Do Archetypes Individuate?

Do Archetypes Individuate?

Tolkien says that they do – Gandalf the Gray becomes Gandalf the White (Archetype of the Wise Old Man). Lady Galadriel with the refusal of the ring passes the test. Vladeta Jerotic, Patriarch Pavle and Swedenborg believe the same. Probably many others. With Jung, however, they are complete. Jung does not explicate this, but their completeness is of a cumulative character. Archetypes are complete, archetypal representations are not. Here we see a resemblance to language – A limited number of letters, an unlimited number of words; a Limited number of words, an unlimited number of sentences. The first ontological constituents are always complete. Their completeness is necessary for the development of potency in the next level of ontology (ref: Jung’s Abraksas).