EPISTEME – Brewery | China
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Brewery – Episteme
A New Perspective
Knowledge, as a concept is now in quite concrete limitations. Consideration, objectivization, and eventually relativization of these limits (not knowledge), is the ethical and philosophical duty of every man. However, this type of observation is very difficult since the perception of any system while we are within that system, falls under a logical impossibility. In order to realize this thought experiment, we do have two possibilities.
- Change the environment
- Change the conventional way of thinking

Because of the possibility of such choices, we chose both of them. We’ll change the conventional way of thinking if we incarnate it and transform it into the environment. With this newly appointed scene, it’ll be simpler for us to understand the problems of knowledge and boundaries, so it will also be easier to overcome them.

Architectural algorithm of procedural knowledge or knowledge as a process
In order to define a clear framework of what is now meant by the “conventional knowledge”, we will use the diagram that should serve as an illustration for this convention.
The conventional hierarchy of knowledge begins with the base idea of “Episteme”, or something that is recognized by collective consciousness as reasonable logical deduction, as a reality. Episteme, by itself, is recognized generality and as such is undetailed. The reduction of these generalities on a more authentic level becomes doxa. Reps (recognizable patterns), in doxa are constituents of the canon and something that is recognized as an authority. With the very essence of the canon, we come to the dogma which is the representation of substance. (Sketch 1)

In a rough outline, that is how today’s knowledge, at the global level, would look like. The problem with this concept is twofold.
The first problem is that this idea doesn’t mention context, the environment and the system from which the modus operandi of conventional knowledge, by selective method, isolate individual ideas.
Another problem is that conventional wisdom has rather limited access to the tested fields and its limits are very clearly defined and closed. (Sketch 1.1)

The first step in understanding and description of such ideas is the recognition and understanding of their functioning and the recognition of their context and genesis. In order to facilitate me and you, I will denote context (knowledge as a process), with the word “Gnosis”. Pre-rec note: I use this term exclusively as a connotation of procedural knowledge, not as a religious concept. (Sketch 2)
So, if we found that the conventional knowledge isolates elements of Gnostic knowledge that can not be viewed as a system, rather as a freestanding element, and thus opposes knowledge in structuralist terms, the problem should be solved in returning of the conventional isolated constituents in the initial system (gnosis). (Sketch 3)
With this formulation of constituents of Conventional knowledge, we have formed and illustrated the guidelines and directions that to Gnostic system through formal instruments. (Sketch 4)