Tag / architecturalphilosophy

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  • Symbolism in Architecture

    Visual Communication in Architecture | The Study of Semiotics and Signifiers Symbolism in Architecture: Crafting Spaces that Speak Architecture is more than the physical act of constructing buildings; it is the art of shaping spaces that communicate with the human spirit. At its core, architecture harnesses symbolism to create environments that resonate on a deep,…

  • Style – Stylistics

    Style is a crucial element of an architect’s work, a tool they use to sign and distinguish their creations. However, it should not be viewed as a choice that exists independently of the larger architectural discourse. Many young architects fall into the trap of thinking that they can choose their own unique style, often prioritizing…

  • Four Corners of the Gaminite Circle

    This text represents the normative grammatic for understanding the architectural project “The Three Corners of the twofold Circle“ Prologue Four Corners of the Geminate Circle is a Jungian concept that will be the central theme of this text which will once again culminate in architectural exegesis. Besides Jung’s thesis, the aesthetic categorization by Benedetto Croce…