Tag / philosophy
Thesis and Anti-thesis | Interpretations of Basic Mandalas
Freedom vs. Destiny It’s easy to fall into the trap and assume that the opposite of freedom is an empty lack of freedom or imprisonment. “The soul is free when it is educated.” – M. Eckhart, Goethe On the opposite side of freedom lies a choice. The Choice is what ends freedom and reduces it…
Eidetic Dictionary – How to write in architectural language
Unlocking the Secrets of Symbols: A Practical Guide to the Eidetic Dictionary in Architecture 1. Introduction to the Eidetic Dictionary and architecture: The Eidetic Dictionary is a unique tool used in the field of architecture to understand, analyze and recreate the underlying concepts of different designs. The Eidetic Dictionary is based on the idea that…
Architecture and Philosophy
Understanding the deeper philosophical implications of the spaces we inhabit Architecture and Philosophy: Building a Bridge Between Thought and Matter Architecture is not merely a matter of aesthetics or functionality—it is, above all, a philosophical act. At its core, architecture represents the physical manifestation of ideas, cultural values, and philosophical paradigms that shape societies throughout…
The wizard’s sphere
Why does the Wizard look at the sphere? There is a well-known story of a wizard (the archetype of a Wise Old Man), who has the power to look into the sphere from which he reads the future. The sphere is a pictorial representation of Pleroma. The sphere is potency. In order to read the…
Brother M and the Present
Brother M once perceived the Present (absolute now moment). From all that has been experienced, the following conclusion has been drawn: The Now is constituted from the ontological element which is the exclusive Present. In its exclusivity, the Now does not allow memory to form around it, ergo the Now can never belong to History…
The story of Noah
The story of Noah offers us the same moral about “translation” of lower completed ontological units, for the sake of ontologically higher potency. Noah, in his boat, gathers a family and pairs of animals and thus manages to survive the flood. Noah’s Ark is a direct extension of Noah’s personality. A similar example is found…
Brother M about our age
Brother M. says: “We are the oldest people” The history of one species is viewed through the following prism: The species is the youngest at the moment of creation, the species is the oldest moment before extinction. We are the oldest exponents of our kind. Although the language trap constantly tells us that we address…