Tag / philosophy

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  • Anima and Leonardo

    With a smart man, there must be a hierarchy in terms of the intensity of curiosity. Not all topics are equally interesting. The truer the topic, the more interesting. There is a Necessity that leads a smart man to these topics. When I talk about a smart man I’m not talking about the exterior. One…

  • Looking at the whole

    Carl Jaspers says that genius sees the whole, not the particular. Napoleon says “I do not want the world in its parts, I want it in its entirety.” Weininger says “The highest level of individualism is the highest level of universality.” Christ in the Gnostic Gospels says “I come from the undivided.” Only in understanding…

  • Spirit of the Story

    People often (today) overlook the importance of a simple story. The stories we see described in Fairy Tales. Archetypal stories. Our guess is that’s because the story is not an adequate argument. Whoever invokes on “some kind of story” automatically loses credibility. Today’s intellectuals cannot read great works “merely as stories”, but their readings and…

  • First Collective Work Of Art

    “One on one, even ten on ten, we are embarrassingly similar to chimpanzees. Significant differences begin to appear only when we cross the threshold of 150 individuals, and when we reach 1,000–2,000 individuals, the differences are astounding.” (Y. N. Harari, Sapiens). The greatest strength of humankind is not within an (or even the) individual but…

  • Four Corners of the Gaminite Circle

    This text represents the normative grammatic for understanding the architectural project “The Three Corners of the twofold Circle“ Prologue Four Corners of the Geminate Circle is a Jungian concept that will be the central theme of this text which will once again culminate in architectural exegesis. Besides Jung’s thesis, the aesthetic categorization by Benedetto Croce…

  • Shadow

    Carmina Figurata Shadow, the oculus through which one looks at the downside of Persona. Dark dimensions of demonic mono-dialogues are suppressed by identity under the influence of anonymous authority (public opinion). Orphic lines in which the shadow prints its deconstructed sentences, are suggested by the persona’s anatomy. The remains of the area in which the…